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We know that, as a parent, you are probably short on leisure time, but might be surprised by how much reading you can sneak in during a feeding or pumping session, while waiting in the school car pick-up line, or while you let your little one run around the backyard to get some fresh air now that spring is just around the corner. If nothing else, you can always pop in your earbuds and listen to an audiobook while running errands or going for a stroller walk. Seriously, becoming a parent doesn’t mean you have to give up the joy of reading (it may be a few years before you can speed-read your way through an entire book in a single weekend, though). 

Since March is National Reading Month, we couldn’t resist the opportunity to share some of our favorite books for parents. You’ll find books on postpartum depression, data-driven research, how to divide household tasks with your partner, and raising your little one—plus a couple of funny ones for good measure. So charge your Kindle and get ready to celebrate this literary month.
