About Nay.ai
Heal the world
Nay is a revolutionary artificial intelligence healthcare platform that was conceived in 2020 amid the uproar of the century’s worst healthcare crisis and officially launched as a commercial venture on January 1st, 2022. It is intended to pave the way for people to stay intelligently connected to the healthcare ecosystem 24 hours a day, seven days a week, mapping their risk profiles. Our products and services, which are essential components of Nay, enable people to receive health-related advice and expert consultations whenever and wherever they need them. Under the aegis of Nay, many emerging applications of artificial intelligence in the healthcare domain from all over the globe gets to serve humanism at its intended potential.
This artificial intelligence-enabled healthcare delivery platform not only helps the patients have access to effective healthcare but also empowers the doctors with clinical decision-support intelligence. We are committed to making healthcare easier and more equitable for the people, often through an easily operable mobile app.
With Nay around, the world will be a safer, healthier, happier place for everyone!

Our Vision
Make a Better World
Our vision is simple; make a better world for one and all of us with empathy. Technology like Artificial Intelligence is merely an enabler. More than technology, what we need is participation from every stakeholder of society. There is no human being on the planet who cannot benefit from such a comprehensive healthcare system. There is no human being who cannot contribute to such a comprehensive system of care. Together let us make the world a better place.
Support & Save Lives
By reducing medical uncertainties in the lives we touch, we will make this world a happier place. Every life we save will add to the overall sense of security. You sleep better at night when you know that by your side there is a caring hand to hold. Our mission is to create that hand with technology and goodwill. It is a for-profit venture. Generating dividends for the investors is very important to us for making the larger contributions grow beyond boundaries.
The leadership team
Nay is founded by a dedicated team of professionals and theoreticians with complementary skills to build a large internet business and augment a jaw-dropping experience of success, a combination of the glory from the social impact and the return on investment numbers, for its investors.



MD, FRCOG, Robotic Surgeon; Senior Consultant at Jaslok Hospital.

IIT-IIM-Stanford alumnus; professional investor – public and private equities.

The birth of Nay.ai
If you care enough for the living, make a better place for you and for me
For over two decades we have been working in the fields of educational technologies; building software applications as and when needed to solve real-world problems. Some of the solutions died their natural death, while some indigenous components floated over the tides of time with meaningful promises. In 2020, when the education technology companies resembled gemstones under the steep surge of M&A, we too got engaged in monetisation plans for some of our technology components such as the ‘URUS’ integration architecture and ‘Skimmer’ Natural Language Understanding engine. It was when Nitin came up with the idea that Skimmer can have deeper contributions to mankind if implemented in the healthcare domain. Discussions with Dr Mahesh Gupta excited all of us enough to start reworking the plans for saving lives.

Diptendu already had a functional model of the NLP components. Subhashish had a few CV models to offer. His carcinoma detection model had been producing consistent results. Avijit got to work tying all of these together along with a few other success stories from around the world using the URUS fabric.
By that time COVID19 had already threatened humanity with enough reasons to be excited about the possibility of such an integrated intelligent system of healthcare. In a few months Avijit and Pallavi got hit by the delta variant of the infamous virus. While Avijit along with his entire family survived the attack, Pallavi did not. Dr Gupta lost his father. Then, in about a month, he too joined him making the shock a bit too painful for people who were left behind to complete the tasks.
The hammerings, as in the case of making surgical scalpel blades from high carbon steel, resulted in tempering our resolve to a different height.

And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You’ll find there’s no need to cry
In this place you’ll feel
There’s no hurt or sorrow
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space
Make a better place
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make it a better place
For you and for me
If you want to know why
There’s love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares of joyful giving
If we try we shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear of dread
We stop existing and start living
The it feels that always
Love’s enough for us growing
So make a better world
Make a better place
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
And the dream we were conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify its soul
Though it’s plain to see
This world is heavenly
Be god’s glow
We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel you are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we cry happy tears
See the nations turn their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space
To make a better place
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
~ Michael Jackson

The road ahead
Let’s redefine care together!
Artificial intelligence has emerged with many promises in the healthcare domain; it has the potential to significantly improve people’s quality of life. With this goal to achieve, we strive to create a system that will enable people to live a better life with the reassurance of timely and effective medical care. Artificial intelligence-enabled healthcare delivery includes automating routine tasks, providing decision support, reducing costs and increasing the overall efficiency with round-the-clock connectivity. It also has the power to improve people’s lives by saving them from falling prey to ignorance and negligence. We are here to provide access to a new standard of care in synchronization with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal-3 (UNSDG03) while generating profits for our investors. Our engineers are focussed on how to develop machine learning models for healthcare-related issues while maintaining the highest level of ethical standards.
Incidentally, the journey of Nay coincided with the United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing, a global collaboration project that brings together governments, civil society, international agencies, professionals, academia, the media, and private sector initiatives like Nay.ai to improve the lives of older people. With the average life expectancy of human beings increasing rapidly, populations around the world are ageing faster than in the past. There are over 1 billion people aged 60 and up living in the world today. The decade, 2021-2030 is aligned with the last ten years of the UNSDG; so, for us at Nay, we hope to work for eight years, if we launch the Geriatric Care vertical by the end of 2022, to work under this project.
Nay.ai has enormous potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry. We aspire to make this world a better place with the help of revolutionary technologies; Machine Learning (ML), Computer Vision(CV), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Edge Computing and fifth-generation cellular networks (5G) to name a few. With technological advancement, the next obvious milestone in the history of the world is a comprehensive healthcare ecosystem. Our goal is to achieve universal health coverage and to provide safe and effective medical care to all people.
“Good health for all” is our motto.
Healthcare is a basic human need, and it must be equitable for every human being. We are determined to remove barriers to healthcare access for every life we touch, and we require your support for this. Let us make UNSDG-03 a big success across the lonely planet. Please join us in making history.