Ahead of Intelligent Health (13-14 September 2023, Basel, Switzerland) we asked Matthias Pfister, Head of Development Team, Optical Data Science, Helbling Technik, his thoughts on the future of AI in healthcare.
If you could solve any global health problem in the world with AI, what would it be? What do you think will be the biggest impact of AI and tech in the healthcare sector in the next 5 years?
One of the biggest challenges is accessibility to healthcare in general. AI is a very good tool to improve accessibility. I am thinking of telemedicine to deliver healthcare services remotely as well as automation of many tasks, such as interpretation of medical images, to reduce the burden on already overburdened healthcare providers.
What’s your biggest fear around the application of AI/tech in the healthcare field?
Developing AI algorithms has become easy, but it is still very difficult to develop responsible AI. One of the main causes of irresponsible AI is bias in the data used to create AI algorithms. Responsible AI is about fairness, inclusion, privacy, transparency, sustainability, and accountability.

About Matthias
Matthias Pfister is Head of the Development Team at Helbling Technik, a worldwide active, independent Swiss contract engineering company. He has 15 years of professional experience in the development of innovative technologies and products for medical applications. Matthias Pfister has successfully managed the development of several medical devices, from ideation until FDA approval. He is currently heading a development team whose core competence is processing complex signals acquired with optical sensors and systems. Past experiences include various projects in ophthalmology, endoscopy, and dermatology. Independent of the application, Matthias Pfister has a strong focus on a holistic development approach along the signal chain, i.e., from photon generation to digital signal processing. Furthermore, he considers strong systems engineering and project management to be key success factors for development.
Global AI events calendar
Intelligent Health
13-14 September 2023
Basel, Switzerland
World Summit AI
11-12 October 2023
Amsterdam, Netherlands
World AI Week
9-13 October 2023
Amsterdam, Netherlands
World Summit AI Americas
24-25 April 2024
Montréal, Canada
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