1. Minimize Debts: Strive to clear debts, including mortgages, to reduce monthly outgoings.
2. Social Security: If possible, defer taking social security benefits. Working longer can enhance the amount you’ll receive later in life.
3. Invest Wisely: Maximize contributions to 401K and IRA accounts. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of these options with a financial advisor.
4. Annuities or Longevity Insurance: Consider investing in annuities or longevity insurance that guarantees income for life, no matter how long.
5. Financial Planner: Seek professional advice to develop a comprehensive plan and optimize your existing assets.
6. Long-Term Care Insurance: Plan for long-term healthcare by investing in long-term care insurance to prevent medical expenses from depleting your savings.
7. Back-Up Plans: Always have a contingency in place.