Morning sickness is one of the most difficult parts of early pregnancy for many women to deal with. Because morning sickness can happen at any time of the day, women may suffer first thing in the morning or find it hard to sleep at night as a result of nausea. As a result, women with normal morning sickness will try just about anything to get their symptoms to go away or at least lessen so that they can be productive and not feel completely drained during the first several weeks of pregnancy. Fortunately, there are hacks for moms suffering from morning sickness to try that may just do the trick with curing what ails them.
According to the Mayo Clinic, morning sickness is caused by hormones the body produces to ensure the body has a healthy pregnancy. The hormones are released as soon as the egg implants in the uterus, per the publication. This means that when HCG and estrogen levels begin to raise quickly, women can feel ill from the sudden change. And when this happens, nausea, vomiting, and food aversion are sure signs that women are suffering from morning sickness.
Here are pregnancy hacks for moms suffering from morning sickness.
10 Breathe In Citrus Scents
For those who find themselves unable to go outdoors to escape being trapped by smells that set off morning sickness, breathing in citrus scents can help alleviate symptoms quickly.
According to the National Library of Medicine, when women breathed in citrus scents, the “intensity” with which they felt their morning sickness decreased markedly. Meaning that if women have access to citrus essential oils or citrus peels where the scents of the fruit can be breathed in, their morning sickness may lessen.
9 Drink Fluids
When suffering from morning sickness, vomiting may occur. And women can suffer from dehydration as a result.
According to City of Oaks Midwifery, ways to stay hydrated when suffering from morning sickness include:
Do not drink caffeinated beverages
Drink plenty of water
Drink beverages with electrolytes
Drink ginger ale
By drinking smaller amounts versus gulping down fluids, women should feel better when they drink their beverages of choice when morning sickness occurs.
8 Eat Foods That Settle The Stomach
Foods that settle the stomach when dealing with morning sickness can help to alleviate nausea completely. Some of those foods, according to The Mother Baby Center include:
Apple sauce
Peanut butter
These are just suggestions. Every woman is different. And because of this, finding foods that settle the stomach may be trial and error. But when they are found, keep them on hand to handle morning sickness symptoms swiftly.
7 Eat Smaller Meals More Often
When large amounts of food are eaten at one time, it can cause the stomach to become too full. Full stomachs can lead to increased feelings of nausea when morning sickness strikes. And this, unfortunately, can lead to vomiting.
Therefore, try eating smaller meals throughout the day. This will keep you from getting overfull and potentially not becoming ill in the process.
6 Incorporate Ginger
Ginger is great to keep on hand when pregnant to help with morning sickness. This is because ginger is a natural aid to help settle the stomach.
According to Healthline, ginger helps to settle the stomach by aiding in digestion. The herb helps the stomach to empty faster which means there are fewer chances of feeling nauseous or vomiting when morning sickness occurs.
5 Drink Or Eat Peppermint
When nausea strikes from morning sickness, peppermint may be the herb that comes to the rescue.
According to Dr. Andrew Weil, peppermint helps to aid the body with digestion. This can help to keep symptoms of nausea at bay when morning sickness occurs.
As such, things like peppermint candies or peppermint tea might need to be on rotation when combating the symptoms of morning sickness.
4 Do Light Exercise
While it may not feel like the best thing to do when morning sickness rears its ugly head, doing some light exercise can actually help to lessen the symptoms being felt.
According to Mustela, things like walking for just 20 minutes per day can help release endorphins. These endorphins “counteract fatigue and nausea” and help to bring morning sickness to an end quicker than if exercise was not done at all.
3 Try Acupressure Bands
Acupressure helps to combat nausea when constant pressure is put on the wrist. While it is not always convenient to go see a professional to perform acupressure, acupressure bands can provide the same result. Something that women may want to try when all else seems to fail when morning sickness occurs.
2 Suck On Hard Candy
Hard candies may sound too sweet for some women suffering from morning sickness to try. But, if they give the candy a chance, they might just find that their symptoms dissipate fairly quickly.
According to What To Expect, when women who have morning sickness suck on hard candies, they help to “settle gastric juices.” This reduces the feelings of nausea. And when this happens, morning sickness becomes much easier to handle.
1 Take Prenatal Vitamins With Food
When prenatal vitamins are taken on an empty stomach, they can cause stomach pain. It does not help women who have daily bouts of morning sickness to deal with.
According to Natalist, taking prenatal vitamins with a small meal or snack can help to reduce the feelings of nausea. When this happens, nausea is reduced. And morning sickness is lessened as a result as well.
Source: Mayo Clinic, National Library of Medicine, City of Oaks Midwifery, The Mother Baby Center, Healthline, Dr. Andrew Weil, Mustela, What To Expect, Natalist